In this post, we will be taking a look at what hypnotherapy is, hypnosis and how it can be used to treat a variety of the health conditions all ranging from erectile dysfunction, insomnia, help stop smoking, obsessive compulsive disorders and the many other mental and psychological conditions.
The practice of hypnotherapy dates back to many years ago. This is one practice that has been with us with history tracing it back to a number of years in the earlier civilizations all across the globe. But this be as it is, you need to anyway be alive to the fact that most of these techniques for alternative health and medicine, haven’t been scientifically proved and backed. But this doesn’t in any way imply that they are not effective for on the contrary they have proved to be of a lot of help to many in the past. Here are the things that you need to know about hypnotherapy and some of the ways it can help your deal with a number of the psychological and sexual problems or conditions that you may be suffering from. Read on and learn more on hypnotherapy here.
By and large, there are three main phases of hypnotherapy and these are; the pre-suggestion phase, suggestion phase and the post-suggestion phase. The pre-suggestion phase is the phase where we see the focusing of one’s attention using distraction, imagery, relaxation or a combination of these. The main aim in all this is to get one to reach an altered state of mind and consciousness where the mind would be susceptible to suggestion.
Then at the suggestion phase, this is where we have the introduction of some specific questions or goals, or memories that need to be explored for treatment or resolution of a given problem that one may be in. This is where there is the suggestion of possible ways to help treat the condition that one may be suffering from, giving of alternative ideas to help in this regard.
At the post-suggestion phase, this is the phase after the suggestion phase where we see the return to a state of normal consciousness. It is at this phase where the new behaviors that were introduced in the suggestion phase are now tested or tried.
There are people who may be more susceptible to hypnotherapy than others. There are tests that are performed to determine a person’s degree or level of susceptibility to be hypnotized. Check here for more on sex therapy and how it helps deal with sex conditions or problems. You can click on this link for more details: